Top 10 Tuesday is hosted by the ladies over at The Broke and the Bookish. Check them out :)
I really like this week's topic, best bookish memories. I have so many wonderful bookish memories! Here are some in no particular order:
1. Going to book stores in other cities on family vacations. So this alone could take up way more than 10 memories, but I'll post it as one. My entire family have always been huge readers, so when we go on vacation, we always need to check out the book stores! I have so many wonderful memories of going to book stores in Mystic, Chicago, etc. Makes me all happy just thinking about it <3 p="">
2. Reading the Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray. I finished this one when Twin was studying in France, and I NEEDED her to be home so I could cry and gush and just talk about the ending of the Gemma Doyle trilogy. I remember my mom being like "well, she'll be home in a few days. Why are you crying over a book?" and I just started crying more.
3. Going with the Little One to buy Inkdeath by Cornelia Funke when it came out. My little sister is the one who got me into those books and we nerd out whenever we get to go to the store and buy new Cornelia Funke books. We were the same when Reckless came out. And I know we'll be the same when the sequal to Reckless is out in April.
4. Reading the American Girl books growing up. I collect the dolls and I have always always always loved the books. I'm a history nerd and I blame these books for that! I have so many wonderful memories of snuggling up with my Felicity doll and reading her books. And getting new dolls and reading their books on Christmas day. I think a reread of the AG historical books is in order.
And I will leave it at that. My most precious bookish memories are the ones in #1, with my family at book stores in different cities. I miss those days <3 p="">
my favourite memory with books is reading underworld by DEILLO whilst spending time with my gran in my twenties ,all the best stu