Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I'd Crush on If I Was Fictional Too

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the ladies at The Broke and the Bookish.  Don't forget to check out their blog!

This week's topic: Top Ten Characters I would crush on if I was also a fictional character.

Let the book nerdiness begin.

1. Jem from Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier.  I have been crushing so hard on him since first reading this book years ago.  Every time I reread it, the crush grows and grows.

2. Marcus Flutie from Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty because he's Marcus Flutie!!!!!  He wrote Jess a poem!!  A really good one!!

3. Corrigan from Let the Great World Spin.  I don't care if he's a monk or a priest or whatever he is.  LOVE HIM.

4. Olivier from Les Faux Monnayeurs by Andre Gide.  I have no idea why, but when I read this I was totally giddy every time he came into the story.

5. Lucas from A Cottage by the Sea by Ciji Ware.  He completely made me melt because he is a real English gentleman.

6. Cadvan from The Books of Pellinor.  I didn't start out crushing on him, but he is so smart and wise and actually has a big heart, and he totally grew on me.

7. Fred from Philip Pullman's Sally Lockhart books.  I know I've talked about my love for him before.  I haven't read these in years but I still remember how much I crushed on him.

8. Brisbane from Silent in the Grave by Deanna Raybourne.  He is a bit mysterious, but smart.  If I was in Julia's place I'd probably try to act all strong and immune to his charms, but then I would secretly be crushing on him.

What about you?? 

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