Sunday, August 25, 2013

Review: I Love Dick by Chris Kraus (2nd book club read)

So, bare with me again because Blogger is not letting me add the book cover photo to this post.  Why is that happening??

The premise of this book is that Kraus and her husband spend a weekend with an aquaintance and Kraus becomes obsessed with him.  All she wants to do is sleep with him, but instead she writes him letters and so does her husband.  It was actually an interesting format and part of the reason I kept reading the book. 

We decided that this was going to be our second book club read.  We picked it because it was on a list of books that everyone needs to read before they die. So, mission accomplished.  It was....interesting, to say the least.  Now don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not a prude or anything like that.  I just wasn't into this book at all.  The writing was kind of meh and I wasn't that invested in any of the people in the book, but the story kept me going because I wanted to see how things ended. 

The book really wasn't terrible, I just wasn't into it.  It is marketed as an autobiographical novel.  But even if you consider it all as fiction, there are parts of the book where you are not sure if something actually happened or not.  There was a lot of great information about feminism in the 90s and I really enjoyed those parts.  I know a lot of people see this as a super feminist read, and I guess I can see that.

All in all I am glad I read it, but I won't be rereading anytime soon.  Also, also!  We were told that this book has like the greatest literary sex scene ever.  But we were all really let down.  I was not impressed and it didn't really make me want to get in bed with anyone named Dick.  So.

On a side note, we somehow got on the topic of anthropology and primatology while discussing I Love Dick, and then picked our read for next month, Pink Boots and a Machete, which I am super excited about.

Title: I Love Dick
Author: Chris Kraus
Date of Publication: 1997
Number of Pages: 276
Source: Personal Copy


  1. Hmmmmmmmm, I'm not sure I'd read this one, even if it is one of the ones to read before one dies. Sounds kind of unappealing!

    1. Yeah, I really don't know why it was on that list. On a better note though, the book made for some really great discussions at our last book club meeting!
