Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What I've Been Up To (and why it doesn't include reading)

Okay I totally feel like I've been slacking in my reading/blogging. But I haven't been! I swear! I've just been so busy with other things that I don't have the energy at the end of the day to read. I just sleep instead.. All that is changing now because the busy times are over (for now!). So, what have I been up to??

I started reading The Lace Reader and really thought I'd have it finished ages ago. I love it so far and am so excited to be able to sit down with it again. I finally posted my review of Je suis le dernier Juif (The Last Jew of Treblinka) so check that out.

My favorite singer's solo album came out last week and much of the week was spent freaking out, driving to different stores to try to track down a hard copy of the album, freaking out some more, seeing my favorite singer in concert and meeting him (not for the first time, but still, yay!), and then listening to the new CD more.

Oh yeah. I also pulled a muscle in my neck and couldn't turn my head for almost a week. That was not fun.

So now that I've gotten the whole "new CD" craze sort of out of my system, I can make more time for reading. Family vacation to Rhode Island in a few weeks and I will be bringing some books with me there. Can't wait! Details on that coming later in the week.

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