Monday, May 26, 2014

Leaving for BEA

My far the hardest thing about leaving for BEA is leaving this little guy behind:

Thankfully his father doesn't have anywhere to go so he will be spoiled rotten (when I'm home the boyfriend knows better than to overfeed the dog). 

I leave tomorrow night for NYC and I am super excited!!  I totally meant to have posts scheduled while I'm gone (and also I was going to have some this past week.....), but pre-birthday plans with my twin sis got the better of me and I didn't have much time for review writing.  When you share your birthday with your sister, celebrating is so much more fun, because you're celebrating each other.  And since I leave for BEA on our actual birthday (25 oh my gosh!!  So together we are 50....), we did maybe a bit too much pre-partying.  But it was fun!!

The blog will be quiet until I get back because I'm not taking my computer with me.  I will of course have my phone, so you can always find me on Twitter @tomgirl571.  I'll try to tweet often, but honestly if I'm busy or just having a great time or something I probably won't even think about pulling my phone out. 

If you are also going to be in NYC, hopefully I'll run into you!  There's a few photos of me on the blog, and I look exactly like that (except I'll be wearing my contacts instead of my pink glasses!).  So if you recognize me, come say hi!  I'll probably be walking around like a deer in headlights :)

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